Research teams

Ruminant Feed Innovation Team

Research Direction and Topics

The well-being, growth, and development of calves and lambs is the basis for performance of adult cattle and sheep, establishment of immune function, and production of safe animal products. The supply of high-quality roughage to ruminants (cattle, sheep and goat, etc.) is the basic guarantee for maintaining their physiological health and efficient production. The evaluation of nutritional value of feed and establishment of feeding standard are the basis for rational feed preparation and scientific rearing of animals.

Topic 1: Study on the theory and application of nutrition regulation of young ruminants

Physiology patterns and immune function characteristics in the growth and development of young ruminants

Application of nutrigenomics, metabolomics, and metagenomics in young ruminants

Study of the relationship between phenotypes of economic traits and nutrigenomics

Study of the relationship between breeding quality of young ruminants and growth performance of adult ruminants

Topic 2: Nutritional value evaluation and utilization technology of ruminant feed

Evaluation of nutritional value in ruminants’ conventional and unconventional feed

Carbon chain decoding technology of high fiber roughage

Theory and technology of greenhouse gas emission mitigation in ruminants

Topic 3: Nutrition requirements and feed database of sheep and goats

Energy, protein, fiber, mineral and vitamin requirements of sheep and goats

Study on methodology of substrate and gas metabolism in sheep and goats

Study on model of evaluation and estimation of nutritional value of conventional feed in sheep and goats

Team Contact: Luxin Kong

Contact Information: 010-82106055kongluxin@caas.cn