Research teams

Pet Nutrition and Food Science Innovation Team

Research Direction and Topics

Topic 1: Pet nutrition and health

Pet nutrition requirement parameters, pet nutrition and immunity, pet intestinal microflora regulation, pet food mycotoxin pollution and prevention, dog and cat flavor compounds research and application, pet nutrition and health products research and development, and so on.

Topic 2: Pet food processing technology and quality safety

Processing parameters and quality control of extruded pet food, the effects of different processing technologies on the digestibility and palatability of pet food, the post spraying technology of pet food, the quality and safety evaluation of pet food, and so on.

Topic 3: Research and setting of pet food quality standard

Research and setting of national standards, industry standards and group standards of pet food, research on pet industry index, study on situation analysis and strategic planning of pet food industry, and so on.

Team Contact: Jinquan Wang

Contact Information: 010-82106088; wangjinquan@caas.cn