1. 宠物营养
2. 宠物食品标准制修订
3. 宠物食品质量安全预警监测
4. 基于人工智能与合成生物学的功能性蛋白表达的高通量筛选
5. 饲料中霉菌毒素生物脱毒剂创新研发路径与效能优化策略探究
1. Jiaxue Wang, Xiumin Wang, Zhenlong Wang, et al.Vanillin Has Potent Antibacterial, Antioxidant, and Anti-Inffammatory Activities In Vitro and in Mouse Colitis Induced by Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli . Antioxidants, 2024.
2. Wei An, Xiumin Wang, Jinquan Wang, et al. Allergies to Allergens from Cats and Dogs: A Review and Update on Sources, Pathogenesis, and Strategies. Int J Mol Sci, 2024.
3. Shukun Liang, Bing Han, et al. Lactobacillus plantarum L11 and Lactobacillus reuteri LR: Ameliorate obesity via AMPK pathway. Nutrients, 2024.
4. Skwarczynski M, Bojarska J, Wang XM. Editorial: Peptides against Infectious Diseases: from Antimicrobial Peptides to Vaccines. Front Pharmacol, 2024.
5. Bing Han,Shukun Liang,Jinquan Wang, et al.The Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on the Fecal Microbiota, Short Chain Fatty Acids, Odorous Substances, and Blood Biochemical Indices of Cats. Microorganisms, 2024.
6. Chunxiao Li, Jinquan Wang, Xiumin Wang, et al.Research Progress on the PEGylation of Therapeutic Proteins and Peptides (TPPs). Front Pharmacol, 2024.
7. Shukun Liang, Xinshu Gu, Jinquan Wang, Bing Han, et al. Application of Lactobacillus Plantarum and Pediococcus Lactis on Fat Metabolism, Anti-inflammatory, and Fecal Microbiota in Cats. Microorganisms, 2024.
8. Wei An, Boquan Gao, Zhenlong Wang, Jinquan Wang, et al.Simultaneous Degradation of AFB1 and ZEN by CotA Laccase from Bacillus subtilis ZJ-2019-1 in the Mediator-Assisted or Immobilization System. Toxins, 2024.
9. Zhenlong Wang, Wei An, Jinquan Wang, et al.Machine Learning for Predicting Zearalenone Contamination Levels in Pet Food. Toxins, 2024.
10. Jianwen Wu, Xiumin Wang, Huanrong Li, et al. Bacillus subtilis Simultaneously Detoxified Aflatoxin B1 and Zearalenone. Appl Sci, 2024.
11. Jiaxue Wang, Xiumin Wang, et al. Application of Network Pharmacology, Molecular Docking, and In Vitro Experimental Evaluation to Decipher the Anti-Inffammatory Mechanisms of Cirsium japonicum. Appl Sci, 2024.
12. Shukun Liang, Jinquan Wang, Bing Han, et al. Characterization and Potential Lipid- lowering Effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Cats. Front Microbiol, 2024.
13. Shukun Liang, Jinquan Wang, Bing Han.Effects of Inulin on Fecal Microbiota and Specific Immunity in Cats. Res Vet Sci, 2024.
14. Zhenlong Wang, Rudolf Krska, Jinquan Wang, et al. Comparison Study of Two Fumonisin-Degrading Enzymes for Detoxification in Piglets. Toxins (Basel), 2023.
15. Bing Han, Peng Zhao, Jinquan Wang, et al. The Effect of Duck Bile Acid Extract on the Fecal Microbiota, Short Chain Fatty Acids, Fat Digestibility and Blood Biochemical Indices in Cats. Appl Sci, 2023.
16. Qiuyu Fan, Jianwen Wu, Xiumin Wang,et al. Screening Model of Antibacterial Agents Based on Escherichia coli Cell-division Protein. Appl Sci, 2023.
17. Ting Li, Zhenlong Wang, Xiumin Wang, et al. Bacterial Resistance to Antibacterial Agents: Mechanisms, Control Strategies, and Implications for Global Health. Sci Total Environ, 2022.
18. Bing Han, Guangwu Fu, Jinquan Wang.Inhibition of Essential Oils on Growth of Aspergillus flavus and Aflatoxin B1 Production in Broth and Poultry Feed. Toxins, 2022.
19. Chunyang Wang, Libo Huang, Jinquan Wang, et al. The Effects of Deoxynivalenol on the Ultrastructure of the Sacculus Rotundus and Vermiform Appendix , as Well as the Intestinal Microbiota of Weaned Rabbits. Toxins, 2020.
20. Junnan Zhang, Hui Tao, Jinquan Wang, et al. Effects of Bacillus subtilis ZJ-2019-1 on Zearalenone Toxicosis in Female Gilts. Toxins, 2021.
21. Jinquan Wang, Fan Yang, Peilong Yang, et al.Microbial Reduction of Zearalenone by a New Isolated Lysinibacillus sp. ZJ-2016-1. World Mycotoxin J, 2018.
22. 韩冰,顾鑫淑,王金全,等. 脂肪酸在犬猫上应用的研究进展.饲料工业,2024.
23. 韩冰,孙晋涛,王金全,等. 乳酸菌缓解动物肠道炎症的作用机制及研究进展.中国畜牧兽医,2024.
24. 高博泉,王金全,王振龙,等. 漆酶降解霉菌毒素研究进展.畜牧兽医学报,2024.
25. 李春晓,王金全,王秀敏,等.
26. 猫犬主要过敏原蛋白的最新研究进展. 畜牧兽医学报,2024.
27. 安尉,王金全,王秀敏,等. 新型猫过敏原蛋白NPC2的同源建模及抗原表位预测. 畜牧与兽医,2024.
28. 梁书坤,王金全,韩冰,等.乳酸菌的生物学功能及其在犬猫临床应用中的研究进展. 中国兽医杂志,2023.
4.《饲料霉菌毒污染与防控》,出版时间 2019.12,中国农业科学技术出版社。
1. ZL 202311319699.3,一种基于T细胞抗原表位猫过敏原蛋白嵌合肽cFeld1的原核表达及其卵黄抗体的制备
2. ZL 202410393979.7,一株屎肠球菌及其应用
3. ZL202311437952.5,一株片球菌及其应用
4. ZL202110992989.9,一种大肠杆菌lipid A结合基元PCK及其制备方法与应用
5. ZL201811037448.5,暹罗芽孢杆菌ZJ-2018-1及降解霉菌毒素的菌剂和应用
6. ZL201710557775.2,一株赖氨酸芽孢杆菌及其在降解玉米赤霉烯酮中的应用
7. ZL201010572230.7,一株降解呕吐毒素的微生物
8. ZL 200910249684.8,一种罗伊氏乳杆菌发酵液体饲料及其制备方法和用途

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