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郑爱娟 饲料资源与生物转化创新团队
Zheng Aijuan, Zhang Anrong, Chen Zhimin, Shoaib Ahmed Pirzado, Chang Wenhuan, CaiHuiyi, Wayne L. Bryden, Liu Guohua. Molecular mechanisms of growth depression in broiler chickens ( Gallus gallus domesticus ) mediated by immune stress: A hepatic proteome study. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2021, 12:90. (第一作者)
Zheng Aijuan, Lin Shumei, Shoaib Ahmed Pirzado, Chen Zhimin, Chang Wenhuan, Cai Huiyi, Liu Guohua*. Stress Associated with Simulated Transport, Changes Serum Biochemistry, Postmortem Muscle Metabolism, and Meat Quality of Broilers. Animals 2020, 10(8), 1442; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10081442. (第一作者)
Aijuan Zheng, Wenhuan Chang, Guohua, Liu, et al. Molecular Differences in Hepatic Metabolism between AA Broiler and Big Bone Chickens: A Proteomic Study.2016.Plos One. 11(10): e0164702. (第一作者)
Aijuan Zheng, JianjieLuo, Bin Yao, et al. Probiotic ( Enterococcus faecium ) induced responses of the hepatic proteome improves metabolic efficiency of broiler chickens. 2016. BMC Genomics.17:89. (第一作者)
Zheng, A.J., Chang,W., Hou,S., et al. Unraveling molecular mechanistic differences in liver metabolism between lean and fat lines of Pekin duck. 2014. A proteomic study. Journal of Proteomics. 98(0): 271-288. (第一作者)
Zheng, A.J., Luo, J.J., Liu,G.H., Yao, B. Proteome changes underpin improved meat quality and yield of chickens fed the probiotic Enterococcus faecium . 2015. BMC Genomics. 15: 1167. (第一作者)
ChongL, HuiyiCai, ShuzhenLi, GuohuaLiu, XuejuanDeng, Wayne L.Bryden, Aijuan Zheng*. Comparing the potential of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CGMCC18230 with antimicrobial growth promoters for growth performance, bone development, expression of phosphorus transporters, and excreta microbiome in broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 2022, 101 (11):102126; doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102126. (通讯作者)
Zhang Anrong, Shoaib Ahmed Pirzado, Liu Guohua, Chen Zhimin, Chang Wenhuan, Cai Huiyi, W L. Bryden, Zheng Aijuan*. Dietary Supplementation with Sodium Humate Improves Egg Quality and Immune Function of Laying Hens. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition.2020, 8(2):93-99. (通讯作者)
Wang Weiwei, Cai Huiyi, Zhang Anrong, Chen Zhimin, Chang Wenhuan, Deng Xuejuan, Liu Guohua, Wayne Bryden, Zheng Aijuan*. Enterococcus faecium Modulates the Gut Microbiota of Broilers and Enhances Phosphorus Absorption and Utilization. Animals, 2020, 10(7), 1232; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10071232. (通讯作者)
吴正可; 张安荣; 陈志敏; 常文环;刘国华; 蔡辉益; 郑爱娟*;凝结芽孢杆菌对肉鸡生长性能、血清生化指标和胫骨强度指标的影响, 畜牧兽医学报, 2021,52(4):1031-1041. (通讯作者)
王卫卫; 张安荣; 陈志敏; 常文环; 户瑞刚; 蔡辉益; 刘国华; 郑爱娟*; 屎肠球菌对肉鸡生长性能和血清生化指标的影响, 饲料工业2021,42(11):38-43. (通讯作者)
张安荣; 吴正可; 陈志敏; 常文环; 蔡辉益; 刘国华; 郑爱娟*; 蛋白质组学技术解析免疫应激影响肉仔鸡肉品质的机理, 畜牧兽医学报, 2021,52(08):2138-2150. (通讯作者)