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贾铭 饲料质量与安全创新团队
研究方向为饲料及畜产品质量安全风险评估,重点围绕农药及环境污染物开展检测技术和毒性评价相关研究,获得“十四五”国家重点研发计划项目资助,参与农业农村部农产品质量安全监管项目相关工作。在Environmental Pollution、Chemosphere、Science of the Total Environment等国际期刊发表第一作者SCI论文8余篇。
1.Moyong Xue, Ming Jia, Yuchang Qin, Fr´ed´eric Francis, Xu Gu, Toxicity of parental co-exposure of microplastic and bisphenol compounds on adult zebrafish: Multi-omics investigations on offspring. Science of the Total Environment ,2024, 955:176897.
2.Ming Jia; Miaomiao Teng; Sinuo Tian; Jin Yan; Zhiyuan Meng; Sen Yan;Ruisheng Li; Zhiqiang Zhou; Wentao Zhu, Developmental toxicity and neurotoxicity of penconazole enantiomers exposure on zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental pollution ,2020, 267:115450-115450.
3.Ming Jia; Yao, Wang; Miaomiao Teng; Dezhen, Wang; Jin Yan; Miao, Jiyan; Zhiqiang Zhou; Wentao Zhu, Toxicity and metabolomics study of isocarbophos in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotox. Environ. Safe . 2018, 163, 1-6.
4.Ming Jia; Yao, Wang; Dezhen, Wang; Miaomiao Teng; Jin Yan; Sen Yan; Zhiyuan Meng; Ruisheng Li; Zhiqiang Zhou; Wentao Zhu, The effects of hexaconazole and epoxiconazole enantiomers on metabolic profile following exposure to zebrafish (Danio rerio) as well as the histopathological changes. Chemosphere 2019, 226, 520-533.
5.Ming Jia; Miaomiao Teng; Sinuo Tian; Jin Yan; Zhiyuan Meng; Sen Yan; Ruisheng Li; Zhiqiang Zhou; Wentao Zhu, Effects of penconazole enantiomers exposure on hormonal disruption in zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822). Environmental Science and Pollution Research .2021, 28, 43476–43482.