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周炜炜 中草药饲料化利用研究课题组
长期从事中药方剂、提取物及其功能组分“替抗”的作用机理研究及中草药调味剂的应用研究,在天然植物提取物/精油/纯露提取工艺、纯化工艺、质量控制、功能评价、产品开发等方面积累了丰富的经验,擅长自主创制促生长、抗氧化、增强免疫力、改善肠道健康的中草药配方及饲料添加剂。近五年围绕药用天然植物相关领域,主持纵向课题2项,参与横向课题10余项,参与国家自然科学基金委面上项目4项。以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Ethnopharmacology、International Journal of Food Properties、Separations、中草药、畜牧兽医学报等期刊发表文章10余篇。
[1] Zhou W, Wu B, Liu L, et al. Quality evaluation and identification of Phyllanthi fructus (Yuganzi) based on the spectrum-effect relationship. Separations, 2024, 11, 104.
[2] Zhou W, Li J, Wang X, et al. Research progress on extraction, separation, and purification methods of plant essential oils. Separations, 2023, 10(12), 596.
[3] Zhou W, Wang X, Yang J, et al. Quality evaluation of Eucommiae Folium extracts and discovery of efficacy-associated quality markers based on spectrum-effect relationship. Int J Food Prop, 2023, 26(1): 1264–1276.
[4] Zhou W, Dai Y, Meng J, et al. Network pharmacology integrated with molecular docking reveals the common experiment-validated antipyretic mechanism of bitter-cold herbs. J Ethnopharmacol, 2021, 274: 114042.
[5] Yang J, Zhou W, Shi D, et al. The interaction between oxidative stress biomarkers and gut microbiota in the antioxidant effects of extracts from Sonchus brachyotus DC. in oxazolone-induced intestinal oxidative stress in adult zebrafish. Antioxidants, 2023, 12(1): 192-207. (共一)
[6] Zhang Z, Zhou W, Zhang Y, et al. Advances for anti-inflammatory ingredients and activities of Fuzi (lateral root of Aconitum carmichaelii Debx.). Int J Food Prop, 2023, 27(1): 53–70. (共一)
[7] Wang P, Zhou W, Liu J, et al. Modulome-fangjiome association study (MoFAS) reveals differential target distribution among four similar fangjis (formulas). J Ethnopharmacol, 2021, 113822. (共一)
[8] 刘玲, 史万玉, 周炜炜, 等. 陈皮精油对脂多糖诱导的RAW264.7细胞炎症的干预作用 [J]. 畜牧兽医学报, 2024, 55 (9): 4153-4160. (共同通讯)
[9] 周炜炜, 王雪峰, 张梦洁, 等. 基于生物网络功能模块整合组方规律分析四黄止痢颗粒治疗仔猪腹泻的作用机制 [J]. 畜牧兽医学报, 2023, 54(7): 3031-3043.
[10] 王小莹, 李秀梅, 周炜炜, 等. 基于网络药理学探讨白龙散治疗鸡腹泻的作用机制 [J]. 中国畜牧兽医, 2022, 49(3): 1106-1116.
[11] 周炜炜, 王朋倩, 杨秀娟, 等. 基于嗅觉受体的辛香类中药陈皮、丁香和小茴香药性表达的网络药理学研究 [J]. 中草药, 2020, 51(24): 6286-6293.
[12] 周炜炜, 隋峰, 张淼, 等. 寒热性中药成分调节棕色脂肪细胞中UCP1的药性分子机制研究 [J]. 时珍国医国药, 2020, 31(12): 2858-2860.