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周建民 家禽营养与饲料创新团队
主要从事家禽生殖道免疫稳态和蛋品质调控方向研究,主持博士后科学基金面上项目(2023M733822),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(32302774),农科院优农计划资助项目各1项,参与2项国家自然科学基金项目(32072774、31872396)。以第一或通讯作者在Animal Nutrition、Journal of Integrative Agriculture、Poultry Science、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、动物营养学报等期刊发表论文10余篇。获博士研究生国家奖学金、北京市优秀毕业生、中国农业科学院优秀博士后等荣誉。
1.ZHOU J M#, FU Y#, UCHECHUKWU E O, WANG J, ZHANG H J, LI X B, QI G H, WU S G, 2023. Supplementation of serine in low-gossypol cottonseed meal-based diet improved egg white gelling and rheological properties by regulating ovomucin synthesis and magnum physiological function in laying hens. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, (Available online)
2.ZHOU J M, FU Y, QI G H, DAI J J, ZHANG H J, WANG J, WU S G, 2022. Yeast Cell-wall Polysaccharides Improve Immunity and Attenuate Inflammatory Response via Modulating Gut Microbiota in LPS-challeged Laying Hens. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 224: 407-421.
3.ZHOU J M, WU S G, QI G H, FU Y, WANG W W, ZHANG H J, WANG J, 2021. Dietary Supplemental Xylooligosaccharide Modulates Nutrient Digestibility, Intestinal Morphology, and Gut Microbiota in Laying Hens. Animal Nutrition, 7(1): 152-162.
4.ZHOU J M, QIU K, WANG J, ZHANG H J, QI G H, WU S G, 2021.Effect of Dietary Serine Supplementation on Performance, Egg Quality, Serum Indices, and Ileal Mucosal Immunity in Laying Hens Fed a Low Crude Protein Diet. Poultry Science, 100: 101465.