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王秀敏 宠物营养与食品创新团队
主要从事活性小分子、杀菌机理和抗过敏制剂的研究。主持国家自然科学基金(4项)、科技部第三次新疆综合科学考察项目子课题及国家重点研发计划子课题等多项省部级课题;作为骨干参与“十二五”支撑计划、转基因重大专项、中国农科院院重大选题和中国农科院院创新工程等课题。发表SCI论文80篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Science of The Total Environment、Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、Food Chemistry、Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy、Communication Biology、European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等期刊发表41篇SCI论文;参编英文专著1部;参与申请国家发明专利21项,授权12项(前3);参与制定行业标准2项,先后获颐和青年创新奖(2020年,个人)、神农中华农业科技一等奖(2019年,第4)、北京市科学技术奖一等奖(2017年,第5)、北京市科学技术奖三等奖(2014年,第3)、第八届大北农科技奖(2013年,第2)省部级奖5项;担任Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology、Marine Drugs、Antibiotics及Applied Sciences期刊专题编辑或顾问。培养北京市、中国农业科学院院级优秀毕业生3名。
1) Li T, Wang ZL, Guo JH*, de la Fuente-Nunez C*, Wang JQ, Han B, Tao H, Liu J, Wang XM*. Bacterial resistance to antibacterial agents: mechanisms, control strategies, and implications for global health. Science of The Total Environment, 2022 (Accepted).
2) Li T, Wang ZL, Han HH, Teng D, Mao RY, Hao Y, Yang N, Wang XM*, Wang JH*. Dual antibacterial activities and biofilm eradication of a marine peptide-N6NH2 and its analogs against multidrug-resistant Aeromonas veronii . Int J Mol Sci, 2020, 21: 9637.
3) Han HH, Li T, Wang ZL, Teng D, Mao RY, Hao Y, Yang N, Wang XM*, Wang JH*. Improved stability and activity of a marine peptide-N6NH2 against Edwardsiella tarda and its preliminary application in fish. Mar Drugs, 2020, 18: 650.
4) Li T, Teng D, Mao RY, Hao Y, Wang XM*, Wang JH*. A critical review of antibiotic resistance in probiotic bacteria. Food Res Int, 2020, 36: 109571.
5) Wang ZL, Liu XH, Teng D, Mao RY, Hao Y, Yang N, Wang X, Li ZZ, Wang XM*, Wang JH*. Development of chimeric peptides to facilitate the neutralisation of lipopolysaccharides during bactericidal targeting of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli . Commun Biol, 2020, 3(1): 41.
6) Li ZZ, Teng D, Mao RY, Hao Y, Wang X, Wang XM*, Wang JH*. Improved antibacterial activity of the marine peptide N6 against intracellular Salmonella Typhimurium by conjugating with the cell-penetrating peptide Tat11 via a cleavable linker. J Med Chem, 2018, 61(17): 7991-8000.
7) Li ZZ, Mao RY, Teng D, Hao Y, Chen HX, Wang XM*, Wang JH*. Improved antibacterial activity of a marine peptide-N2 against intracellular Salmonella typhimurium by conjugating with cell-penetrating peptides-bLFcin6/Tat11. Eur J Med Chem, 2017, 145: 263.
8) Wang XM, Teng D, Guan QF, Tian F, Wang JH*. Detection of genetically modified crops using multiplex asymmetric polymerase chain reaction and asymmetric hyperbranched rolling circle amplification coupled with reverse dot blot. Food Chem, 2015, 173: 1022-1029.
9) Wang XM, Teng D, Guan QF, Tian F, Wang JH*. Detection of Roundup Ready soybean by loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with a lateral-flow dipstick. Food Control, 2013, 29: 213-220.
10) Wang XM, Teng D, Guan QF, Tian F, Wang JH*. Comparison of three DNA extraction methods for feed products and four amplification methods for the 5´-junction fragment of Roundup Ready soybean. J Agri Food Chem, 2012, 60(18): 4586-4595.